New Moon in Aquarius

New Moon in Aquarius 🏺 January 21st • 2:52pm CST • 1°33’

New moons are for new beginnings and starting new cycles, a time for planting the seeds and setting the intentions you want to nurture over the next 6 months. With the new moon in the sign of Aquarius, we are drawn to thinking more in terms of groups and communities and finding the people we align with. Keep in mind you can really only attract the people you align with when you are being your most authentic self.

That's one of the beautiful things about Aquarius energy is how it encourages unique authenticity while also being able to see how each individual fits together to make a whole. For this new moon, try to think about your own unique perspective that you can contribute to the whole (everyone has something!) and have the courage to let yourself be seen for who you are. The song I Want to Break Free by Queen has been stuck in my head all day and that's honestly a perfect song for this energy, wanting to break free from any shackles that are holding you back from living in your most authentic truth.

Aquarius energy is also very innovative and inventive, really forward thinking and able to see things from the higher perspective. So pay attention to any intuitive hits you get today whether they be a-ha moments or any good ideas that seem to come out of nowhere, and be sure to write those down! We are gaining a fresh perspective on things with the recent transits, and this is really being highlighted by this 1° new moon. The sextile to Jupiter makes this an expansive new moon as well, so stay open to inspiration today and the upcoming weeks. There is a definite emphasis on fully accepting and stepping into our own unique self expression, realizing that no one can live our life for us, except ourselves, and so realizing the power in that and truly becoming the author of our own lives.

Look to the house you have 1° Aquarius in, as this is the area of life being accentuated by this new moon 🌚


Full Moon in Leo


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